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/ Megarom / Megarom Macintosh CD Software (Quantum Leap)(1992).iso / APPS / Powerbook Rest Folder / Powerbook OK to Rest < prev   
MacOS Executable  |  1992-06-09  |  5KB

This file was processed as: MacOS Executable (executable/macOSExecutable).

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Program Identifications
ConfidenceProgramIdentificationMatch Type
100% dexvert MacOS Executable (macOSExecutable) magic
1% dexvert MacBinary (macBinary) fallback
100% file raw G3 (Group 3) FAX MacBinary II, bundle, Thu Apr 9 15:30:46 1992, modified Tue Jun 9 17:41:30 1992, creator 'REST', type application "Powerbook OK to Rest", at 0x80 4922 bytes resource FILE_SIZE=5120 default
99% file data default
49% TrID Macintosh Application (MacBinary) default
33% TrID raw Group 3 FAX bitmap default
16% TrID MacBinary 2 default